Karbonate Minerals Corp. Looks to Extend the Mine Life of Ontario Project, KMC-CAN-01
Karbonate Minerals Corp. has received permits for three deposits at its Ontario Project, KMC-CAN-01 gold mine, about 60 km north of Ontario which the company expect will extend the life of the mine from 2027 to 2031.

The permits will enable the development of the new area named Moose Creek, which is an extension to the north west of the project.
"The new Moose Creek area will initially run alongside the existing production at the area called Nugget Ridge and then eventually replace it once Nugget Ridge's production has finished, which we anticipate to be in the 3rd quarter of 2026," said Oliver Denton, Director of Projects at Karbonate Minerals Corp.
"The project dates back nearly 30 years and when we first took it over we anticipated a 15 to 20 year life span. Since then, through intense exploration projects, the site has just grown and grown with these newest deposits securing at least another 5 or 6 years life extension," Oliver Denton added.
Karbonate Minerals Corp. believe that their use of in-house exploration techniques allows for them to identify reserves that other conventional exploration techniques would not be able to identify. This includes the use of their own patented Remote Sensing technology.
The company are also proud of their ethical mining ethos which they apply to all of their projects throughout the world and has seen them credited for this approach to the mining sector.